Upcoming events

Join us for a church meeting in Burmese. We worship together, listen to a talk from the Bible and have time to chat and pray. An opportunity to build friendship and community with other Burmese people living in the UK.

Sunday 10.30am service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which includes a time of worship and a talk from the Bible. We have a group for kids and crèche facilities available for babies and toddlers.

Sunday 10.30am service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which includes a time of worship and a talk from the Bible. We have a group for kids and crèche facilities available for babies and toddlers. You are welcome to come along from 10.00am for tea and coffee before the meeting starts.

Sunday 10.30am service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which includes a time of worship and a talk from the Bible. We have a group for kids and crèche facilities available for babies and toddlers. You are welcome to come along from 10.00am for tea and coffee before the meeting starts.

Join us for a church meeting in Burmese. We worship together, listen to a talk from the Bible and have time to chat and pray. An opportunity to build friendship and community with other Burmese people living in the UK.

Sunday 10.30am service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which includes a time of worship and a talk from the Bible. We have a group for kids and crèche facilities available for babies and toddlers. You are welcome to come along from 10.00am for tea and coffee before the meeting starts.

Join us for a church meeting in Burmese. We worship together, listen to a talk from the Bible and have time to chat and pray. An opportunity to build friendship and community with other Burmese people living in the UK.

Christmas Day Service
Join us for an hour’s service on Christmas Day to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
Christmas Carol Service
Our Christmas Carol Service is for everyone in our community - please invite friends, family and neighbours! Join us for traditional carols, bible readings and a short talk. It’s for all ages including children. Afterwards you are welcome to stay for hot drinks and festive snacks.

Sunday 10.30am service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which includes a time of worship and a talk from the Bible. We have a group for kids and crèche facilities available for babies and toddlers. You are welcome to come along from 10.00am for tea and coffee before the meeting starts.
Youth Social
You are invited to our Glow in the Dark bowling social! This event is for 11 to 16 year olds. Meet at Open Door Church in Green Street, 7.30pm-9.00pm. You are welcome to wear something that glows in the dark or anything Christmassy!

Sunday 10.30am service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which includes a time of worship and a talk from the Bible. We have a group for kids and crèche facilities available for babies and toddlers. You are welcome to come along from 10.00am for tea and coffee before the meeting starts.

Join us for a church meeting in Burmese. We worship together, listen to a talk from the Bible and have time to chat and pray. An opportunity to build friendship and community with other Burmese people living in the UK.

Food, Fellowship & Prayer
Meet at the Golden Grill at Sunbury Cross to chat and pray together. Feel free to join for food or just a drink.

Burmese Service for All
Both congregations are invited to join our Burmese meeting which will be translated into English this week. We will worship together with a mixture of Burmese and English songs, and hear a talk from the Bible from Pastor Piang. A great opportunity to build friendship and community across nations.

Refreshments on Remembrance Sunday
We will be serving refreshments outside the Open Door Church building on Green Street to anyone walking past after the Remembrance Service at War Memorial on Sunday morning. Please pop by for a drink or snack! We love to meet people from the community.

Commission Festival
We are going to join the Commission family of churches at the Bath & West Showground for a weekend of worship, teaching and fun. It will include activities for youth and kids of all ages.

Picnic for everyone
Please join us in Cedars park (near the playground) for a picnic after our morning service. Bring some food and a chair or blanket if you can. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday family service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which will include a time of worship and a child-friendly talk from the Bible.

Sunday family service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which will include a time of worship and a child-friendly talk from the Bible. Both our congregations will be meeting together today.

Sunday family service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which will include a time of worship and a child-friendly talk from the Bible.

Prayer Journey
Meet at church at 11.00am to get the 235 bus to Feltham where we’ll spend some time praying for our surrounding communities. We’ll journey back on the bus together.

Zoom prayer meeting
Join us on Zoom on Monday morning to pray for some key areas of church life. Email the church office for the Zoom link.

Picnic for everyone
Please join us in Cedars park (near the playground) for a picnic after our morning service. Bring some food and a chair or blanket if you can. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday family service
Join us for our weekly Sunday meeting which will include a time of worship and a child-friendly talk from the Bible. Both our congregations will be meeting together today.

Youth Social - Pizza & Games @ the Park
If you are in Year 6 or secondary school age, come and join us for pizza, games and time to chill. We’ll meet at 5.00pm at Cedars Park in Sunbury hang out, eat pizza, and play whatever games you fancy. Bring your mates.

Zoom prayer meeting
Join us on Zoom on Monday morning to pray for some key areas of church life. Email the church office for the Zoom link.

Join our Sunday afternoon Burmese speaking service where we will worship together and hear a talk from the Bible in Burmese. Activities for kids and a crèche for babies and toddlers.

Prayer & Worship Evening
Meet at Open Door Church for a time to worship and pray together.